This is Winnington Park’s mathematics vision statement, which is part of our mathematics policy. Creating a vision collaboratively was very important. In particular, it was important to articulate together what we wanted the children to experience whilst at Winnington Park and also what they will take with them once they enter the wider world. This vision statement will ensure all staff have the same drive and aspirations in maths teaching.
Mathematics makes a significant contribution to modern society and at Winnington Park we consider it to be vital for the life opportunities of our children. We strive to enable fascination and an excitement to discover mathematical concepts and to broaden children’s knowledge and understanding of how mathematics is used in the wider world.
At Winnington Park we ensure children have transferable mathematical skills, the ability to reason and solve problems, and a well-developed vocabulary. We believe that the language of mathematics is international, the subject transcends cultural boundaries and its importance is universally recognised. We provide children with the opportunity to explore mathematics using a range of concrete, abstract and pictorial resources.
Solving problems using numerical fluency is the basis of our mathematical lessons. We hope children experience a sense of awe and wonder as they solve a problem for the first time, discover a more elegant solution and make links between different areas of mathematics. We ensure that children leave Winnington Park with a logical and creative number fluency and with an ability to recall key number facts such as multiplication tables. We know that this is the strongest foundation we can give our children as their use of mathematics becomes more sophisticated.
We strive at Winnington Park, to ensure children are curious, ask questions and ultimately enjoy their maths lessons. Skills for learning are a high priority. For example being able to explain ideas and respond to feedback from teachers and peers are crucial to our curriculum. Being confident, resilient, able to persevere and show determination is at the core of what we want to achieve. After all, mathematics helps us to understand and change the world.
Supporting Vulnerable Learners
Equality of opportunity at Winnington Park Primary School means that all children, taking account of gender, age, ability, disability, ethnic origin, faith, culture, social circumstances and sexual orientation have full access to all the curricular, pastoral and social opportunities offered by our mathematics curriculum.
The mathematics leaderships team, SEND Co-ordinator, Inclusion Leader and Senior Leadership Team work collaboratively to ensure progress of all pupils, cohorts and groups of children is monitored and evaluated closely. We ensure that all children access quality first teaching and all teachers have high aspirations of every pupil. We aspire for all children reach and exceed their full potential and take necessary precautions if we feel that children are finding an aspect of mathematics challenging.
Supporting your child at home
The following websites will be useful in helping your child at home: