Pupil Premium Funding
What is Pupil Premium Funding?
The Pupil Premium is a government initiative that targets extra money at pupils from deprived backgrounds, which research shows underachieve compared to their non-deprived peers. The premium is provided in order to support these pupils in reaching their potential.
The pupil premium grant was created to provide funding for three key areas:
- Raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and closing the gap with their peers.
- Supporting children and young people with parents in the armed forces.
- Providing funding for looked-after children (LAC).
How much money does the school get?
In the academic year 2023-24, the funding is £1455 per pupil or £2530 for a Looked After Child or children that have ceased to be looked after by a Local Authority in England because of adoption, a special order, child arrangement order or a residence order. Please see our 'Pupil Premium Strategy Statement,' which outlines how much funding we will receive this year and how we plan to spend it.
How is this money being used to support the children in school?
Please read the 'Pupil Premium Strategy Statement' below to find out where the money will be targeted this year and what our impact was last year.